Our Director

Iris Christ

Iris Christ's Sweet Adeline life began in 2002 when she begged a friend to take her to a guest night for the Hilton Head Shore Notes chorus after hearing them sing at a luncheon. She remembers the audition where she was so nervous that she could barely croak out the notes and her heart was beating so hard. She's come a long way since then!

Through the years, Iris has served on the Shore Notes Management Team as Treasurer, the music team as choreographer and as Lead section leader. She also sang tenor for two of those years when another tenor was needed. She achieved her Director Certification after completing the Director Certification Program in 2017 and became Assistant Director of the Shore Notes and eventually Associate Director. She was a dual member with Jacksonville Harmony from 2005 to 2006. In 2011-12, she was a dual member with Charleston’s Southern Harmony where she served as Emcee Chair and Program Coordinator. She joined Bridges of Harmony as a dual member in 2019 and became co-Lead Section Leader in 2020. She also served for 3 years on the Region 9 Management Team as Finance Coordinator.

In her own words...

"We all love to sing and most of us love to perform - the very essence of being a Sweet Adeline. As a serious student, I have taken every coaching session available to me over the years and there is still so much to learn! I love helping other singers improve by sharing what I’ve learned. Much of that has taken place in the many quartets I’ve had the pleasure of being in, singing both lead and tenor.

I am so excited to take on the director’s duties for my home chorus! Many of my friends remain members. With their support, hard work and team effort, we will be all we can be as singers, entertainers and participants in the lowcountry music scene."


Copyright © 2025 Shore Notes A Cappella Chorus